Though the summer may seem mild in New York City, the fact remains that our planet is getting hot! And while Lucky may fancy herself a pretend-polar pup as she prances about wither snowy white fur, real arctic animals are facing greater challenges everyday as a result of humanity’s recklessness with our environment. We all […]
Gulf Coast Oil Crisis
As if there wasn’t already enough controversy surrounding the oil industry, the disastrous spill that occurred April 20th in the Gulf of Mexico has got fingers pointing yet again. The Obama administration has laid the blame on BP requiring the majority-owners of the drilling fields to foot the bill for a proposed $118 million package […]
An Idea That Might Grow on You! Cleaning up the Gulf With Hair
So your hair is oily, limp, and you can never decide what to do with it, right? You’re thinking, “Maybe it’s time I just cut it all off.” Here’s your incentive: your hair can save the animals affected by the Gulf oil spill. Matter of Trust is an innovative charity whose mission is to “Link […]
Oil-and-Waterworld: Kevin Costner Works to Save the Gulf!
It looks like Kevin Costner got some real-life experience in 1995 when he filmed the apocalyptic classic Waterworld. Since the Exxon Valdez spill off the coast of Alaska, Costner has been working with a team of scientists to develop technology that will separate oil from water. Spending millions of dollars of his own money and […]