An Idea That Might Grow on You! Cleaning up the Gulf With Hair

Cleaning the Gulf with pet hair
Cleaning the Gulf with pet hair

So your hair is oily, limp, and you can never decide what to do with it, right?  You’re thinking, “Maybe it’s time I just cut it all off.”

Here’s your incentive: your hair can save the animals affected by the Gulf oil spill.

Matter of Trust is an innovative charity whose mission is to “Link ideas, spark action and materialize sustainable systems.”  Their newest endeavor is hair collection.  Any hair!  Okay, not any hair, they do specify that only human hair from the head is acceptable.  However, it doesn’t matter the condition, color, or length of their hair.  And pet parents rejoice!  Fur can also be used, so all that cat and dog hair stuck to your couch, clothes, and well…everything else finally has a purpose.

The donated hair is woven into thick mats and stuffed into nylon stockings (which can also be donated!)  When these absorbent booms are placed in the oil-slicked water, the oil soaks into the hair and can be easily removed.

“By using a natural, renewable resource, we can help right the disaster on the Gulf Coast without creating a wealth of man-made waste.”

Matter of Trust operates using a clever program known as Reuse of Society’s Abundance, ROSA.  Hair is everywhere, and in a world of depleting resource, it’s one that is actually growing every day.  By using a natural, renewable resource, we can help right the disaster on the Gulf Coast without creating a wealth of man-made waste.  And the best part is anyone can help!  Schools around the country are having hair drives, and salons, groomers, and barber shops are sending out their sweepings every day.

You and your family can participate in Matter of Trust’s collection and donate your hair, fur, time, contribution, or stockings by visiting their website at

To see the hair-booms in action, tune into any one of Matter of Trust’s YouTube videos.

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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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