Tag: Rottweilers

kid and dog
Wendy Diamond

What Breed of Dog Matches your Child’s Personality?

Pair your child with the best pooch based on their personalities. In his book “The Modern Dog,” renowned psychologist and dog expert Stanley Coren states, “Pets provide children the opportunity to learn about, practice and become interested in nurturing living things.” That said, every child and breed have distinct personalities,

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Could there by anything cuter than this dog and baby?
Wendy Diamond

What Breed Of Dog Is right For Your Child?

 Is it time to bring home a dog for your child? Make sure it’s the right breed. As parents, you know your child, their personality, and level of responsibility so you can choose the right breed for your child’s personality type in order to maximize their potential to learn, love

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Wendy Diamond

Cesar Millan Is The Leader of the Pack

Cesar Millan, a “dog whisperer”, teaches us about the true nature of canines. Despite the media hype, there is no such thing as a “killer dog”. He runs along a dirt mountain trail, scampering over ragged rock formations and climbing steep inclines covered with brush and bramble.  He is not alone. 

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