At first, all that stuck out was a pair of ears. But when the cage opened on the windswept plains of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in central Montana, out crept the first swift fox to tread on Blackfeet soil in three decades. A few of the foxes darted straight into the portable A-frames positioned over […]
How to Understand a Woman Through her Exotic Pet
The type of pet a woman owns says a lot about her. We are all familiar with dogs and what type of owner best suits certain breeds; Golden Retrievers thrive with outdoorsy, athletic types and showier dogs like Afghan Hounds or Bichons thrive with fashion–oriented, prima donna types. There are so many books on the […]
San Diego’s Animal Athelets!
A skateboarding ferret and a windsurfing dog? Some things you just have to see to believe… Fatty is one cool dude who never fails to turn a lot of heads while zipping around town on his skateboard in San Diego, California. The reason for all of this attention is that Fatty is a […]