Pop Arf: Modern Dog Art by Nathan Janes

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Pop ARF is a creative way to describe the dog artwork of Nathan Janes.  In fact, it is the title Janes has given to both his collection of paintings and to his website.  Janes began his art career after graduating from the Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio. At the beginning stage of his career Nathan concentrated on painting wildlife. Among his main subjects were ducks and other waterfowl that inspired him by their wide array of color and design. The beauty of these creatures kept Nathan busy constantly finding new ways to capture their range of colors in paint. It was in the rendering of wildlife that Nathan developed his mastery of color he know uses to capture the spirit of his canine friends.

pop arf nathan


Nathan Janes is the Andy Warhol of dog portraiture.

Nathan first found inspiration for his dog paintings in two animals very close to his heart, his two dogs, Button and Zipper. Janes says it was his own dogs that convinced him that his calling is in painting four legged friends. Thanks to Button and Zipper, Nathan found that;  “Dogs are capable of being more than just a best friend. They can also be your masterpiece!”

With an assortment of vivid colors and extremely controlled line work, Janes’ art differs greatly from that of other dog artists. In the years since his graduation from art school, Janes’ style has developed into something parallel to his own personality: fun, bright, comical and sometimes loud. Nathan is constantly thinking of how his next painting can be different from the last. He loves to portray dogs in uncommon ways while sending messages that sometimes go deeper than what may be expected from dog art. However, Nathan stresses that his work will always occupy a lighter side as well, “the world can be too serious at times.  Dogs remind us to live with a sense of humor and to look at things like we did when we were kids.”

Another of Nathan Janes' "Pop Arf" Masterpieces
Another of Nathan Janes’ “Pop Arf” Masterpieces

Through his art, Nathan Janes hopes to inspire others to donate to local shelters and to consider pet adoption as a way to find a new best friend. Janes says he has much appreciation for The Humane Society, where he found Button and Zipper and hopes to collaborate with the national organization in the future.

To learn more about Pop ARF and Nathan Janes, visit his website at: www.poparf.com 

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