Top 10 Animal Stories of 2007: Leona Helmsley

The Austrailian wrote “Trouble in paradise, but heirs in disgrace.” The New York Post and England’s Sun calls her a “Rich bitch.” But To Leona Helmsley her Maltese Trouble was not a dog, she was a “Princess.” Trouble was exactly the opposite, behaving more like her owner, who had been graciously dubbed by the media as the “Queen of Mean.” But when Helmsley passed away in August, the “Princess of Mean” made global headlines, earning her a spot in Animal Fair’s Animal Headliners of 2007.

After dying of heart failure at age 87, Helmsley left her dog Trouble 12 million dollars, the largest bequest to a single individual in a will that snubbed two grandchildren and all 12 great-grandchildren. Trouble already has the makings of a true headliner, “at the age of 8, she has already been the star of a national advertising campaign and the subject of at least one messy lawsuit” the New York Times reports. Her headlines did earn her some added press, shortly after the news was announced, a friend of Helmsley received two phone calls from pet owners who wanted to breed with the Maltese. The New York Times reports: “one of the callers was joking; the other was serious.” So what’s next for the canine heiress? Aside from the potential revival of one of her biting lawsuits (pun intended), Trouble is no where to be found. Not even Animal Fair, Dear mascot and close personal friend, Lucky Diamond, can find this dog.  As least this is one headliner who knows how to stay out of the press when the time is right.

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