Renowned New Yorker cartoonist Leo Cullum entertains with his third collection of animal cartoons in Cockatiels for Two. Containing 113 black and white illustrations of feline humor, the cartoons poke fun at the emotions and personalities of our beloved feline friends. Collum, a retired airline pilot, has published more than 500 cartoons in The […]
Leo Cullum’s Cat Cartoons Are The Cat’s Meow!
Renowned New Yorker cartoonist Leo Cullum entertains with his animal cartoons in Cockatiels for Two. Containing 113 black and white illustrations of feline humor, the cartoons poke fun at the emotions and personalities of our beloved feline friends. Collum, a retired airline pilot, has published more than 500 cartoons in The New Yorker since 1977 […]
Scotch & Toilet Water?
The witty dog and cat cartoons of Leo Cullims have won over fans across the globe. Some may recognize his cartoons from The New Yorker, but he’s also been published in countless other magazines and periodicals, including the New York Times and the Harvard Business Review. He’s able to relate quick-talking professionals in sharp suits […]