Ontario, Canada has seventy different ethnicities and is the most multicultural province in all of Canada. While its urban capital, Toronto, is the most internationally diverse city, Toronto also boasts the largest dog-per-guardian ratio in all of Canada. With every one in three households owning a dog, Toronto has made a conscientious effort in creating a […]
Thanksgiving Travel! Track Down the Paw-fect Dog Sitter With DogVacay.com!
Those wide puppy-dog eyes glisten back at you as you leave your dog with the grumpy attendant at the counter of your local boarding kennel. That’s the moment when you get the overwhelming urge to cancel all your plans, run to your pup and force out through sobs, “I’ll never leave you again!” But […]
Lunch Time on the Hill: Ottawa’s Feline Ambassadors
The hands of the clock in the Peace Tower shift closer to twelve noon as a slight, elderly gentleman carrying a bag walks briskly towards a railing overlooking the Ottawa River behind the Parliament building. Here, in an out-of-the-way location, just above a wooded hillside, is a protected area with a platform and cat sized […]
The United Kingdom
Dog Save The Queen Dodging Quarantine rules in the UK England has long held a reputation for its strict policy regarding the import of domesticated animals. In the past, a six-month (and sometimes even longer) quarantine period was required, which made travel with pets not only difficult, but nearly impossible. On December 11, 2002 however, […]
Defenders of Wildlife
At first, all that stuck out was a pair of ears. But when the cage opened on the windswept plains of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation in central Montana, out crept the first swift fox to tread on Blackfeet soil in three decades. A few of the foxes darted straight into the portable A-frames positioned over […]
Bono And Bearded Dragons, E!'s Lou, A Bag Of Flour And The Obama Family Dog.
It’s been a slow and chilly news week. We got the real scoop from some real Irishmen, talked to a funny man about a little Chihuahua, asked more people about the Obama family dog, and responded to a bag of flour poured on Lindsay Lohan. This week I had a very special dinner with Guggi […]