Given name: Moon Doggie
Weight: 5 lbs
Acting credits: A Cher music video, Television shows: Three Sisters andProvidence, Movies: Legally Blonde (LB), Legally Blonde II, Red White and Blonde (LB II)
Guardian: Studio Animal Services, LA; Sue Chipperton, Trainer
Roomate: Gidget (a.k.a. The Taco Bell Dog), who also plays Bruiser’s mom in LB II
Favorite friend: A “gay” male Rotweiler named Leslie. The two shared a complicated choreographed scene full of jumps, barks and poses. The two,love interests, ride in a sidecar together.
Fun fact: Reese’s own Chihuahua, Cheech, has met and adores Moon Doggie, as does Reese’s daughter Ava.
Favorite food: Chicken – gets Moon Doggie to do anything on cue.
Most pleasurable pastime: Chasing the sun – like a cat. Loves curling up with Gidget. Never snippy or unpleasant. According to trainer Sue Chipperton, Moon Doggie is “perfect”.
Secret to his success: Food drive (the chicken!) play drive (seduced into action by his favorite toys).
Little known fact: There was some worry that Moon Doggie wouldn’t be able to handle the sequel, as his part is so much more complicated than in the LB. In LB, his part was fairly small and he was known to get complacent on the set, so much so that he would sometimes even fall asleep. In LB II, however, Moon Doggie is in almost every scene that Reese is in – either perched in one in her endless stash of matching bags, in her lap, or by her side. LB II was a taxing role for the dog, but the producers were “great”, making sure that they didn’t poop the dog out, so that he was always at his best.
Some fans: Madonna’s back-up singers! As Madonna and company filmed next door to LB II, some of the singers caught a glimpse of Moon Doggie, and said “is that Bruiser!?” Pretty impressive when spending the day in the company of the top of pop herself! And not to be outdone, Gidget has her own set of fans, including Antonio Banderas and Reese Witherspoon. While Antonio reportedly said excitedly, “is that really the Taco Bell dog?,” Reese quipped, “Wait until I tell my mom!” Gidget’s trainer notes that it is pretty funny to see celebrities so thrilled to meet the Spanish speaking, Mexican fast food loving pup!
Plans for the future: Sleeping. When not working, Moon Doggie is thrilled to sleep 23 hours a day, says his trainer.
Admit it. You loved Legally Blonde. Well, brace yourself for the next installment: Legally Blonde 2: Red, White and Blonde. Elle Woods (Reese Witherspoon) and Bruiser are back and this time are headed down to Washington DC. There the stylish lawyer gets her hands dirty (just an expression, her nails are impeccable) and uses her charm, beauty and intellect to uphold animal rights – inspired by a sad story of Bruiser’s parents. A champion of the underdog, she finds thousands upon thousands in agreement – 2 and 4 legged alike – culminating in a million dog march. Funny, poignant with a moral that you cannot help but respect, Legally Blonde 2 is a must see. Legally Blonde 2 is an inspirational and hilarious tale of standing up for those who cannot stand up for themselves. In theaters July 2003.
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