Put Your Best Paw Forward – International Homeless Animals Day!

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August 20th is International Homeless Animals Day!  When you bring a new pet to your house to meet your family you can’t help but say “WELCOME HOME!” Unfortunately millions of pets will never get a chance to hear those words. In the United States alone there are more homeless animals in shelters and living on the streets than those living safely in a home. This is a result of overpopulation and failure to spay/neuter your pet.


People need to acknowledge the importance of spaying your pet and spreading awareness in order to make a difference. That’s why the International Society for Animal Rights has declared August 20th as National Homeless Animals Day. This holiday is dedicated to raise awareness and educate people on the statistics of homeless pets across the nation.






Remember… EVERYDAY IS SPAY DAY! When animals aren’t spayed or neutered this leaves the risk for them to breed again and again. This doesn’t only add to the over population of animals but its also cruel to the mother and babies. Spaying is KEY! Don’t forget it! This will ensure that these animals will not bring any more animals into the world that cannot be taken care of!


If you don’t have a pet you can still help! DONATE – Any type of donation to shelters and clinics is always beneficial! By donating money to specific organizations you are ensuring that shelters and clinics can afford to spay every animal that walks through that door! You can also promote awareness to the cause. Posting on social media gets peoples attention – let them know about National Homeless Animals Day and what they can do for the cause.






To donate to Spaying/Neutering in local shelters visit The Humane Society! You too can make a difference – EVERYONE DESERVES A HOME!


For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at AnimalFair.com!

