Pet Friendly Resorts: The Paws House Inn, West Rutland, VT

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Paws House Inn, West Rutland, Vermont

No dog wants to be treated like a second class member of the family. And pet owners want their pup to feel wanted and invited to travel with them whenever possible. At Paws House Inn, located in Vermont, your dog will never feel like a third wheel. “Some places accept dogs. Other places tolerate them. Here at the Paw House Inn, we cater to dog owners and their dogs,” said Mitch Frenkenberg, Owner and Creator of the Paw House Inn.


In 2001, Mitch and Jen Frenkenberg purchased a beautiful 1786 farmhouse and fulfilled their vision of catering to all pet owners and pets by creating The Paw House Inn. Owners of three dogs themselves, the Frenkenbergs are aware of how important a pet owners unique needs are. “We want pet owners to travel with their pets. That is why we geared our inn for people with specific needs.”


There isn’t any compromising for any pet or pet owner at the Paws House Inn. “We’re still one of the only places that takes care of dogs when owners are gone, while other places won’t allow owners to leave their pets alone,” Frenkenberg says. While lodging at the Paws House Inn, pet owners and pets can find time to bond with each other. There are lots of activities that will keep all busy.


Dogs can participate in hiking, and running beside their owners on biking trails all around the grounds. “We make special accommodations for pet owners to bond with their pets.” Guests can also expect top class service. The rooms are beautiful and it’s first class,” Frenkenberg adds. “Another great thing is that everyone can eat together with their own dogs. It’s like a community.” What dog wouldn’t want to come here for winter?

Prices range from $185 to $225 per night. Dogs can rest their paws at Paws Inn for free!


Paws House Inn



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