Who Needs Good Luck? Adopt a Black Cat!

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Did you know that black cats are only half as likely to be adopted as cats of other colors? We can blame negative folklore that many western countries embrace; the black cat was thought to change into human shape to act as a spy or courier for witches or demons, bringing bad luck. But many other cultures such as England, Ireland, Scotland and Japan consider black cats an omen of good luck and prosperity.



Listen up single ladies; it’s believed that a lady who owns a black cat will have many suitors.

Black Cat Rescue believes that all black cats should have a loving home! This no-kill rescue organization specializing in foster care and adoption for black cats in the Greater Boston region. Yes, ironically close to Salem! Black Cat Rescue’s all-volunteer network of foster homes in the Greater Boston area is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless black cats and kittens by providing quality foster care while actively seeking loving, permanent adoptive homes.


Black Cat Rescue Co-founder Jennifer Scott and her inspiration; Isabel.
Black Cat Rescue Co-founder Jennifer Scott and her inspiration; Isabel.

Black Cat Rescue Co-founder Jennifer Scott and her inspiration; Isabel.

Animal Fair Media pounced over to Black Cat Rescue and meowed about the rescue organization with Co-founder Jennifer Scott.

AF: How did you become a pet parent to your black cat?

JS: I adopted my black cat Isabel in 2004 from a high-volume kill shelter. She was 10- months-old with huge green eyes. At the time I had no idea that black cats like Isabel face absolutely tragic adoption odds. I was just looking for a cat that I connected with. She let me take her out of her cage and hold her like a baby.

The volunteer cleaning the next cage over commented that Isabel wasn’t usually that cuddly and must really like me. Well, I fell in love and brought her home. She has never let me hold her like a baby since! Once at home, Isabel emerged as a plucky, quirky little girl with loads of personality. She expresses herself with a variety of chirps, coos and meows. She immediately claims all empty pizza boxes and has an affinity for biting noses just hard enough to get some attention. And, when she finally settles down for the day, she wiggles her way under my arm for sleeping- before eventually taking over the whole bed.

AF: What inspired you to create Black Cat Rescue?

JS: As I became more involved in volunteer animal welfare work, I was saddened to learn that black cats are being passed over for adoption and often euthanized simply because of their coat color. In fact, sometimes black cats never even make it out onto the adoption floor. I found this incredibly heartbreaking. The knowledge that Isabel, my vibrant little ball of black fur, could have been denied a chance at adoption motivated me to action. Samantha McDuffee and I co-founded Black Cat Rescue in 2007 to create a safety net for homeless black cats in our community.

AF: How did you come up with your rescue organization’s name?

JS: We had a sign up in our kitchen that read “Black Cat Bar.” Having decided upon our mission to save black cats, we were tossing around lots of ideas for naming the rescue and eventually looked up at the wall. The choice became obvious. Keep it simple, right? It’s direct and easy to remember! Upon hearing our name, people immediately ask if we only rescue black cats. This provides many great opportunities to explain our cause and raise awareness for homeless black cats. Most people are shocked.

AF: What is your charity’s mission?

JS: Black Cat Rescue is a No-Kill cat rescue organization in Boston, Massachusetts, specializing in the rescue and adoption of black cats. Our all-volunteer network of foster homes is dedicated to saving the lives of homeless black cats and kittens by providing quality foster care while actively seeking loving, permanent adoptive homes.

We take black cats from other local animal welfare organizations that are having trouble finding adopters interested in black pets while also taking owner surrenders and found strays in an effort to keep difficult to place black cats off of euthanasia lists. We try to focus our efforts on the cats that need us the most.

AF: What would you like your legacy to be?

JS: As we build a legacy of increased awareness around the plight of black cats, it is my sincere hope that each person reached by our mission will take a second look at the black cat fading into the back of the shelter cage or take a few extra minutes to click through the many black cats listed for adoption online. We know that we have changed the lives of all of the black cats who have passed through our foster homes in the past five years and hope that we are creating an environment in Boston that will be more hospitable to homeless black cats in the future.

AF: What are the stats for black cat adoptions during Halloween?

JS: Black cats are adopted only 50% as often as cats of other colors. The fear associated with black cats and Halloween, due in large part to myth, prompts many shelters and rescue groups to halt black cat adoptions throughout the month of October. While it is very important to thoroughly screen all adopters to ensure safe, happy adoptions, we continue to adopt our cats out during the Halloween season. We haven’t experienced any noticeable increase in adoption interest leading up to the holiday and follow the same adoption screening process year-round.

Let’s not judge a cat by it’s color, get past the myth, and find loving homes for black cats everywhere! For more information on Black Cat Rescue visit: blackcatrescue.com

Check out your local shelter as we are sure they will have a few adorable black cats running around you can adopt!

For the Best the Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitter, and right here at AnimalFair.com!





Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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