Love Pixar’s Ratatouille? Then Get a Pet Rat! 10 Reasons Why!

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Ever thought of having a rat as a pet? Don’t worry. Most people haven’t. I’m not talking about the vicious rats that are seen in scary movies or sci-fi thrillers. I’m not talking about the fat angry ones found in the dark New York City subway tracks late at night either. Seriously. Rats can absolutely be pets and they are safe as well! Don’t believe me? Here are 10 reasons as to why having a pet rat doesn’t make you seem crazy.


  1. Not Evil and Dirty

This may be terribly difficult to believe but rats are NOT nasty or dirty animals. In fact they are in the same family as gerbils…cousins if you will.  So naturally they are just as great right? RIGHT! They are very friendly, fun-loving, tiny animals that just want love. They don’t carry diseases either! Now I’m not telling you to catch and make friends with a sewer rat. But I am saying they are not as bad as you think!!


  1. Easy Feeding

No ladies and gentlemen! Rats will not steal or attack you for your food contrary to what some movies and popular media portray. However they will eat just about anything that you give them, as they are scavengers. Don’t be discouraged by the word “scavenger.” Instead think of how easy it is to feed one! From fruit to vegetables to cereal to chicken bones they love it all. Forget the rat food! Just sit them next to you at the dinner table!!!


  1. Exercise

Ask anyone who’s ever walked a dog during the wintertime, in the snow. That’s certainly no fun. YOU DON’T HAVE TO WALK YOUR RAT!!!! #winning.


  1. Intelligence Level

Many may not realize this but rats are very smart animals. They have some of the best memories as well. So always be nice to your pet rat!! They could be really successful one day!


  1. Cleanliness

Domesticated are very clean. Ever see a cat constantly wash himself? Bingo! You can expect to see your rat constantly making sure that he is clean as well. They tend to carry less germs and diseases than other animals such as cats and dogs as a result. What’s better than a pet that keeps up with its own hygiene? Nothing!


  1. Loneliness

This may sound silly however rats are just like human beings. They love company and to be around other rats. And just like human beings they get lonely and depressed without that companionship. How sad/cute is that? You should get one simply because they are just so precious.


  1. Great Recyclers

Got extra newspaper lying around? Or even a shirt that you’ve been meaning to throw away? Give it to your pet rat! They are willing to shred up and utilize any material all for the sake of fun and entertainment. You don’t have to worry about the latest and greatest toy for them!


  1. Playtime

Don’t be afraid to take them out of their cage for some playtime. They have no problem running around on the floor, table, or whatever else is there just to have fun. And you can have fun with them as well. What’s better? You don’t have to worry about them knocking you down or  damaging your furniture while you’re doing it.


  1. Shyness

Something about rats is that they run away at the first sign of danger. They may not be the best protectors but one thing you don’t have to worry about is them running your guests off with a loud piercing bark or annoying meowing. You have someone to hide with you!


  1. Ratatouille


It was one of the best Disney Pixar movies of the 2000s and it was about a rat!! If I were you I’d be sold!




WHERE: has great information and resources that allow your pet rat search to be as easy and hassle free as possible!!



