Killer Statistics: Where Do Sharks Actually Rank? #SharkWeek


shark death statistic



Every year, people around the globe settle in on the couch with a big bowl of popcorn and buckle up for their favorite week of television: SHARK WEEK. While many of the specials are shown with the intention of making humans less fearful of a shark attack, others only make us want to avoid the water more. So here’s the question we’re all wondering during beach season: how likely is it that we’ll actually experience a shark attack?


Here are some interesting rankings of things that kill humans annual – let’s see where sharks fall!


30,000 people / year – Obesity

10,000 people / year – Lightning

6,000 people / year – Texting

2,900 people / year – Hippos

1,200 people / year – Airplanes

845 people / year – Volcanoes

550 people / year – Shopping on Black Friday

450 people / year – Falling out of Bed

130 people/ year – Deer

100 people / year – Icicles (but just in Russia)

40 people / year – Jellyfish

30 people / year – Dogs

30 people / year – Ants

22 people / year – Cows

20 people / year – High School Football

20 people / year – Horses

13 people / year – Vending Machines

5 people / year – Sharks



swim w baby shark



So what does that mean exactly? You are more likely to be killed shopping, or texting, or playing football, or by a vending machine, than you are to be killed by a shark. However, sharks are VERY LIKELY to be killed by humans. Did you know that about 200 million sharks a year. That’s ALOT of sharks. And despite the fact that they may scare us, they have a right to live as much as the next animal. Over 1/3 of all shark species are currently facing extinction, which means it’s time to step in, and we need your help! Check out and to learn more about them, and spread awareness with your friends! Then, visit and to take action and help save the sharks!


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