Kevin Pollak with A Few Good Cats


You’ve seen him in A Few Good Men, The Wedding Planner,

The Whole Nine Yards and countless other films.  But when he’s not on set, Kevin Pollak most enjoys relaxing at home with his cats, Ava and Pumpkin.


Kevin Pollak has a full schedule this holiday season, with two yuletide movies coming out: Santa Claus II and Blizzard.  Despite the cold weather films, this actor whose credits include The Wedding Planner and The Whole Nine Yards, stays warm at home with his two rescue kitties, 9-year-old Ava and 3-year-old Pumpkin.  Too warm, would argue Pollak’s wife, whom he calls a tad jealous, when Ava takes to the bed and spoons with him.  When asked about his feelings on reincarnation, Pollak, who clearly had weighed this possibility, notes that ancient Egyptians believed that cats were the last incarnation next to humans (so maybe the question should be who will Ava be, rather than who was she in a previous life.)

Pollak says he tried to alert his two independent spirits that they were lucky enough to be rescued from shelters and shuttled to a chic Beverly Hills address to live with a movie star, but frets that they did not seem impressed.  Ava and Pumpkin, he brags, are “great beauties, although Ava is the smarter of the two.  She even plays fetch with a whiffle ball.”.

Although the two generally dine on Fancy Feast(R), Pumpkin (not surprisingly) gravitates toward the Thanksgiving turkey and similar holiday foods, and has even been caught paw-deep in the evidence.  Pollak names the automatic kitty litter the best invention for the feline set, and (as a devout cat person) claims that cats are clearly superior, as unlike dogs, “they bury their own poop.”

