Jane Clayson

Jane Clayson


You’ve got to get up pretty early in the morning,

if you’re like Tes, the beloved Maltese companion to Jane Clayson of CBS’s The Early Show.  And there are several more like her, as after Jane reported to co-host Bryant Gumbel on the breed, he ran right out to get his own.  So did Jane’s executive producer.  Its no wonder she persuaded CBS to take her on as the newest face on The Early Show.

The sporty blonde morning anchor appealed to the show’s viewers to name her newly adopted Maltese after introducing the pup on-air.  And ever since, the furry white ‘bundle of love’ has been ‘Tes’–an acronym for The Early Show – one of hundreds of suggested names that flooded her mail.

Jane says fondly of her little ‘Tes-pot’, “I’m adventurous and she’s adventurous.”  Admittedly, their adventures are different.  The seasoned journalist spent years covering the news wherever it took her-from a student uprising in Jakarta, to war-torn Kosovo, to the chambers of the OJ Simpson civil trial.  Tes’s adventures are centered a little closer to home – challenging the ‘big dogs’ of Central Park – the rottweilers, German shepherds and Labradors.

When Jane calls to Tes, she follows.  Likewise, Jane’s own mother calls each time before the queen of all that is ‘craftsy’ appears on The Early Show, reminding her daughter, “try your hardest, Martha’s on today!”  And Jane follows.  Its not difficult for Clayson, who once made and sold dried flower wreaths at a local crafts mall, enjoying the pursuit for the hands-on “creativity of it”. Also an accomplished violinist, Jane now plays occasionally, and once quite memorably, in front of classical music icon, Isaac Stern.

Not surprisingly, Clayson is an avid supporter of the Metropolitan Maltese Rescue group.  The Maltese-loving morning anchor is thriving in New York; so don’t expect to see her and Tes on the next chapter of Survivor, the show that sky-rocketed The Early Show’s ratings, giving CBS exclusive morning-after interviews with the cast-aways. Jane says with a hearty laugh while petting her precious pup, “I think I would vote myself off the show.”


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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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