On the stand, Judge David Young is dedicated to justice under the law. SONY chose Young to have his courtroom cases documented in a daily day-time courtroom show bearing his own name. Off the stand, however, Young’s interests are slightly less judicial. Young is a Broadway fanatic, shopaholic, and most importantly an animal lover dedicated to animal equality. Having such an influential father makes Maggie, his beloved pooch, our Most Eligible Pet. Don’t expect to see her on the wrong side of the law!
Maggie Youngstein (a fusion of Young and his partner’s last name, Bernstein,) was a rescued pup adopted at an Adopt-A-Pet event. “It was love at first hold!” Judge Young says of Maggie, who is no stranger to the courtroom. She has served as a muse for the judge when ruling on important pet-related cases, and he always lets his litigants know that he is an animal lover, and board member at the Humane Society. Young believes that it is time for the government to put “more emphasis on animals and animal care.”
When Animal Fair asked him what pet-friendly laws he would adopt, Young spoke directly from the heart. “Everyone should be required to give unconditional love to their animals. There should be no more animal abuse and if there is a penalty, it should the highest possible allowed by law.” Other laws would allow all pets to fly for free, all dogs and cats to be fixed, the abolition of puppy-mills and for all high-end department stores to have a pet section. “I love to shop so when I go to Neiman’s why can’t I get a cute little outfit for Maggie? … I think Prada should have a line for dogs. I think every gay dog owner should have a Prada outfit for their dogs. That’s a law I’d create.”
Maggie is an eligible pet because her owner is intent on making the world a better place for all pups. Just make sure you clean up after your dog, because if Judge David Young sentenced an owner who did not pick up after their dog they would be forced to “walk in poop with the brand new shoes that they bought at Ferragamo!”
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