Most Eligible Pets 2005: How Betty and Scoshi Waltzed Into John O’Hurley’s Heart

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The dashing John O'Hurley with his beloved pups, Betty and Scoshi
The dashing John O’Hurley with his beloved pups, Betty and Scoshi

With dashing good looks and a voice to match, John O’Hurley has made a career out of sounding like … himself. Previously best known as the distinctive J. Peterman on Seinfeld, this likeable actor’s commanding presence and business savvy has catapulted him to all-around media star. O’Hurley’s list of credits includes work in movies, theater, television, publishing, music and advertising. His unmistakable voice has been heard in many commercials including work for Cadillac and Coors Light. He is also the voice of King Neptune in the wildly successful cartoon series, SpongeBob SquarePants. His impressive showing on Dancing With the Stars proved that this actor has got the moves too! (O’Hurley and his dance partner, Charlotte Jorgensen, emerged victorious in the September rematch, Dancing with the Stars: Dance Off.) Busy is an understatement for this charming entertainer (he will also play the lead on Broadway in Chicago) and when he needs some guidance, this devoted dog lover turns to his “spiritual advisors”, Betty and Scoshi.

Betty is a seven year-old rescued mutt and Scoshi is a fourteen year-old Maltese. O’Hurley’s connection with these dogs is evident as he describes a morning ritual. “Every morning, rain or shine, three hundred and sixty-five days a year, for fifteen minutes, we have a lovefest.” This tradition of cuddling (which also involves his beautiful wife, Lisa) showcases the calm that these Most Eligible Pets offer to O’Hurley’s life. “Dogs have no sense of time, and they have no memories. Because of that, they communicate this sense of peace.”

Do the dogs have any special talents? O’Hurley amusingly points out that “Betty does nothing.” Then supplements this compact description with true “daddy” sentiment, “Betty is the most loving animal I’ve ever seen. She loves all creatures. She has none of the animosities dogs usually have towards other animals.” Scoshi is the more active of the two. “He will lie down and roll over as long as there is protein enticement.”

When asked what quality Lisa would say made O’Hurley her most eligible, he answers instantly, “My loyalty.” Seems fitting that a most desirable trait in dogs is also one of O’Hurley’s standout qualities. O’Hurley grew up in Connecticut and always had dogs. He is a regular host of The Adoption Exchange Charity Event and NBC’s The National Dog Show. He also has a book coming out, It’s Okay to Miss the Bed on the First Jump which features Betty and Scoshi and looks at the relationship between people and dogs.

O’Hurley further impresses with Peace of Our Minds, a musical collection of compositions and performances from O’Hurley (on keyboard) and cellist Marston Smith. The album is one of his proudest achievements. He explains, “A person shows their most private and personal side when they expose their music to the world.”

With Lisa, Betty and Scoshi by his side, it seems like this versatile performer will always have peace of mind knowing he has more than one dancing partner.

– Sue Schwartz

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