It’s DOGust! Happy BARKday To Shelter Pups Everywhere!

Happy BARKday!
Happy BARKday!



We live in an age where pets are becoming viewed as a part of the family more and more. Yet, most of the time we don’t celebrate their birthdays as we would our own. It’s not because we don’t want to celebrate their birth- no that’s definitely not it! The North Shore Animal League America was the first organization to acknowledge the reason why – the birthdays of most rescue pets are not actually known!


“A birthday celebration is an opportunity to express our sentiments for one another. These wonderful animals, many still waiting patiently in shelters for their adopters, are so fully of life and love, and live to please us,” says Beth Ostrosky, an Animal League spokesperson. “Now we have a set day set aside to honor them and return the unconditional love and adoration they give us, day after day. These sweet animals crave our affection and company, so we can imagine the warm feelings they will experience from all the extra attention on their special day, DOGust the First.”


And thus began the holiday that is DOGust the 1st; giving a universal birthday to shelter and rescue dogs everywhere! There are even special greeting carps online at to celebrate your pooch’s BARKday!


So what should you do to make this day truly special for your favorite pup? Here are some ideas!



1)   Give your pooch some special treats!



That's for me?!
That’s for me?!



Mmmmmm :)
Mmmmmm 🙂



I’m not talking the treats you give them when they go out to the bathroom or complete a task for you. This is day to celebrate your pet, so go ahead and splurge a bit! Chances are your dog isn’t used to getting an extensive amount of treats, so they’ll love the sweet surprise!


2)   Commemorate them!



You can pick up a kit to show you how!
You can pick up a kit to show you how!



And end up with something that’ll last forever!



Have a mold made of their paw print! It’s a quick and cool way to not only honor your pup, but give your house a decoration that’s unique to someone you love!


3)   Party it up with your pooch’s and your friends!



Happy BARKday to you! Happy BARKday to you!
It’s always fun getting the pack together!


I want the first bite!
But have the napkins ready!



Everybody wants to have a party on their birthday! Friends, food, music… what more could a pup want? You can host your own party for your dog; invite the neighborhood pack or your friends who have dogs of their own, play “Who Let the Dogs Out?” on repeat, and serve doggie treats galore, or you could find a public party. Many organizations and shelters offer events on the 1st to honor this holiday! North Shore Animal League America tends to have the biggest bash since they founded the day; their celebration generally includes a doggie birthday cake, refreshments, a bounce maze, and a dunk tank. They even offer raffles, prizes, and free adoptions… which brings up the next point!


4)   Adopt a pup!



Take me home!
Take me home!



Puppy's first BARKday!
Puppy’s first BARKday!



What better day to adopt a new puppy than on their birthday?! That way you’ll always remember the day you brought this wonderful new addition to the family! Plus, c’mon you have a new puppy! I don’t know about you, but that makes me want to celebrate!


5)   Do something your pet loves!



kids and dog play
Come and get it!



Stay inside to beat the heat!
Stay inside to beat the heat!



Go to the park, go for a run, play fetch, lay around… it’s your dog’s day, so do whatever makes them the happiest!

As you can see, celebrating your dog’s birthday is simple – you just have to take the ideas you’d use for your human best friend, and mix them around a little bit. If you don’t happen to have a dog to spoil on the 1st but can’t go out and get one of your own, have no fear! Donating to your local animal shelter or protection agency is a great way to honor those animals who need a home and a family to give them the kind of love they deserve!





So what are you waiting for?! Go get your doggie toys and treats ready to party! It’s time to say Happy BARKday!!!



For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and animal welfare has to offer follow Wendy and Lucky Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at!





