Dogs Can Be A CEO

AF SUM 05 Features P24 31 TAKEURDOGWORK 92036intro

Celebrate Take Your Dog To Work Day

By Bringing Your Dog To The Workplace


Tired of leaving your dog at home while you’re working all day? Then you will be thrilled to hear that the Pet Sitters International’s 7th Annual Take Your Dog To Work Day is being held Friday, June 24, 2005. With over 65 million dogs in U.S. households, many pet owners are looking forward to spending quality time with their dogs at the place where they spend most of their time, work.


As many studies prove, bringing furry friends to work increases productivity and makes the workplace a friendlier environment. John Long of Pet Sitters International says Take Your Dog To Work Day allows people who do not have pets the opportunity to see the many benefits of owning pets and encourages them to become owners themselves.

In addition to showing people how loving a relationship with a pet can be, Take Your Dog To Work Day encourages petless co-workers to adopt pets from shelters, humane societies, and rescue groups for the day. Long says, “Take Your Dog To Work Day allows co-workers without dogs to see what great companion’s dogs really are.”


With over 10,000 participants involved in last year’s event, Pet Sitters International is looking for more people to get involved. If you’re a dog owner and interested in showing people the loving relationship that you have with your dog then you should consider taking your pooch to work. If your workplace doesn’t allow any pets, then bring a picture or something reminiscent of your pooch to work.


In the following pages, Animal Fair brings you stories of several dog owners who bring their canine pals to the office. We warn you in advance, after reading these accounts you may never want to go to work without your pet again!


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