Dog Training 101: How to Completely Train Your Dog

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A dog that obeys your commands is more likely to avoid danger. Keeping a well-behaved dog safe is facilitated by having a well-behaved dog. If you let yours off the leash or it has a tendency to escape from the house when the door is open, he must return when called.

When a dog reaches the age of three or four months, he has developed a sufficient attention span to learn basic commands. Training establishes your position as the pack’s leader. It’s also an excellent way to create a bond with your dog. Before gathering all necessary tools, a veterinarian can recommend a training collar and leash appropriate for your dog’s size and weight.

Beginner’s Guide To Basic Dog Training

Training improves your connection with your dog and strengthens the bond you develop over time; once you learn to communicate with one another, you’ll get along much better.

Here are some beginner’s guides to dog training:

Select An Appropriate Dog Name

Finding the appropriate name for your new puppy or dog is part of the excitement of bringing them home. Consider a short name that ends with a strong consonant that they can always hear clearly. When combined with a strong ending, it can perk up puppy ears, especially when the emphasis is placed at the end.

If the new pet is an older dog, they are usually already accustomed to their name. However, changing it is not impossible. Additionally, if your new friend is emerging from an abusive circumstance, a new name may symbolize a new beginning. Dogs are incredibly versatile creatures. If you decide to change their name, use it regularly, and your pup will soon learn to respond to it.

Whatever their given name is, make an effort to associate it with enjoyable, pleasurable events rather than bad ones. Ideally, your pup should approach their name in the same manner; they approach other enjoyable activities such as walks or dinnertime.

Make Use Of Positivity

If you make it enjoyable for your dog, he will listen to your direction. Animal behaviorists feel that while substantial penalties may be helpful once or twice, they are frequently unpleasant and useless over time. Your dog will have no idea why you are enraged with him.

Positive reinforcement communicates to your dog that you are pleased with his action, and he will repeat it the following time. Food, toys, or petting can all be used as rewards, depending on how your dog responds. Once he has it, reward him occasionally with toys, puppy training treats or rubbing, but always verbally praise him. In this manner, he’ll work diligently to satisfy you in the hope of being rewarded.

Implement An Uninterrupted Training Session

When planning training sessions, choose a time when no one will interrupt you, and you won’t feel short on time. Turn off all your gadgets so that you won’t be disturbed. This will allow you to devote more quality time to the training process.

During the first few sessions, choose a room in the house that is spacious enough to allow you to roam around comfortably. As soon as your dog has figured out what you want him to do, move your training sessions outside, preferably to an enclosed space; otherwise, keep him on a leash if you are in an unfenced setting. Because your puppy will be distracted by other things, you must make yourself more interesting than outside background sounds.

Reduce The Duration Of Training Sessions

Several days after your dog has had time to become used to his new surroundings, begin training him in appropriate manners. Keep your training sessions brief, such as 10 to 15 minutes at a time, and repeat them frequently.

You can repeat the session later on the same day, but each session should only last a few minutes. It is recommended that you engage in multiple training sessions every day because no puppy learns to do something flawlessly in a single session.

Be Patient With Your Dog

If you become upset with your puppy’s training, resist the temptation to become enraged with him. Discreetly finish the session and try again later in the day.

If a dog is yelled at, it will likely get afraid and cease paying attention to its trainer. They may grow fearful of training and conclude that following instructions is not for them. Keep your cool and calm manner so that your puppy can learn in a good environment.

Final Thoughts

When your dog has mastered the fundamentals, you can begin training him more advanced tricks. These exercises will assist in maintaining your dog’s activity level, fitness level, and mental stimulation.

Additionally, they will contribute to strengthening the bond you enjoy with them. Bear in mind that training is a continuous process. You will never be fully completed. It is critical to continue working on obedience training in your dog’s life.




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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