@Dear Lucky – How can a dog treat a dry skin?

dog winter

If you have a doggy dilemma or  a confused cat looking for advice, don’t hesistate to ask Dearlucky.com @ lucky@animalfair.com. Baby Hope has taken on the legacy of Lucky – she has been around the block so no worries she is just as clever and can answer all your questions!

dog winter

Dear Lucky,

Help me! Help me! Help me! The winter season is my least favorite time of year. I am so embarrassed by my flaky scalp. I can’t even walk around my neighborhood because I am so ashamed of the white flakes in my coat. I try to pretend they are just snowflakes when the weather cooperates, but that just isn’t cutting it. What can I do to stop this embarrassment?

Princess – Syracuse, New York


I definitely feel for you, living in New York as well, I am all too familiar with the dry skin that occurs every winter! To prevent your dry skin from occurring you need have your owners brush your coat regularly so that dry and dead skin creates irritation won’t be trapped in your fur. Also, a well-balanced diet is essential to healthy skin and coat. If you follow my advice, you should be feeling and looking better in no time!

