Dear Lucky – All this clutter has got to go!


Dear Lucky,


My loving owners are pack rats. No, they don’t have long tails but they do have stuff all over the place. I am a Bichon Frise and I like things neat and tidy. I do not enjoy sleeping next to a large pile of newspapers (I’m allergic to ink) and contrary to what they think, my favorite toy is not a TV Guide from 1989. Is there any hope? (And please do not suggest that I put up shelves for all of their stuff. I’m not good with power tools)


-Cluttered in Cleveland



Dear Cluttered,


I would never encourage anyone to intentionally misbehave, but you may not have a choice. Have you tried knocking over the piles of newspapers and whatever else is around? Perhaps if you make a bigger mess of things, more than they can even stand, they may get the hint and start to clean up a bit. If that doesn’t work, I know a Poodle named FiFi who can come in every other Wednesday. She is very reasonable.


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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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