Avoid Workplace Faux Paws Do Business the Anita Bruzzese Way!


For years, Anita Bruzzese has written funny and insightful columns geared towards the 145.9 million people in the American workforce with her helpful dog, Annie and two black, cats Spike and Ace by her side. Bruzzese works from home, which means that she has an employee handbook specifically designed for human, canine, and feline relations! Thankfully, they also follow the tips Bruzzese outlines in her latest book, 45 Things You Do That Drive Your Boss Crazy – And How To Avoid Them. She promotes making each workday as efficient and professional as possible, especially if you have a pet assisting!

A dog can be a perfect work-day companion
A dog can be a perfect work-day companion

AF:      You are a very accomplished writer and editor! What do your pets do for a living?

AB:      Annie is our four-year-old Golden Retriever. She is very energetic – I’ve been told that she should calm down any day now, but I’ve yet to see it! I think if she had a job, she’d be a cruise ship director. Ace and Spike are our two-year-old black cats. I think Spike might be a journalist, like me. He’s very curious, and loves to meet people. Ace, on the other hand, would be an R&B singer like Barry White. He’s such a lover … very laid back (in other words, sleeps all the time).

AF:      Employee evaluations are coming up! How would your animal co-workers rate themselves?

AB:      Annie would definitely consider herself a hard worker, the more you can give her to do, the happier she is. We’re constantly teaching her new tricks just to keep her happy. Spike wouldn’t consider himself as working because he is more of a Renaissance cat, always learning new things just because he can. Ace would probably say that work was not a word he recognized.

AF:      What are some employee “faux-paws” your pets wouldn’t advise any worker to commit?

AB:      Ace would say there is no such thing as inappropriate kissing … the more the better, he’d say.  I think he is channeling Pepe Le Pew! It’s not in Annie’s DNA to be angry, but she can get a bit embarrassed when Ace is nuzzling her in front of others. She knows it’s unprofessional, and that bothers her. Spike would never miss a company event – he values networking and making new contacts.

AF:      Do you think you work like a dog?

AB:      I couldn’t begin to keep up with Annie because she has so much energy. But, if you’re asking if I work hard for my kibbles, then yeah, I work like a dog!

A healthy work environment can affect all other areas of your life, including your emotional and mental well-being.  Bruzzese’s work environment is the standard for interoffice relations, proving that she is a woman who practices what she preaches. And with her pets a constant source of inspiration, Anita Bruzzese’s pet-friendly office decorum is a perfect example for all professionals and animal lovers!


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