Enjoy this entertaining and informative excerpt about the personality traits of men who own Irish Setters from the hit dating guidebook: How To Understand Men Through Their Dogs! written by Animal Fair’s very own Founder, Wendy Diamond. Irish Setter • Personality Oh Danny Boy! Mr. Irish Setter is the good-looking Irish man with rich chestnut red hair. He’s the strong, sturdy, and elegant man hanging out with his social pack. He has an enormous amount of energy and when he’s out with his friends it’s like a modern day version of Gangs of New York! His motto is: the more the merrier! He’s extremely good-natured and enthusiastic when he finds something or someone he wants to hunt. Pray that you’re his prey! On your first date suggest an Irish pub that serves authentic Irish dishes such as; shepherds pie, fish and chips, beef stew. It sounds cliché, but have you ever met an Irish man who doesn’t like potatoes? You’re in for a social late night, with lots of laughs, singing, and carousing. He has the stamina of ten men and will perform a special jig just for you when you’re home alone together. If you get serious with Mr. Irish Setter man, you should know he’s loyal, affectionate, and a family man. He’ll want to have offspring but does better with small children; he doesn’t have the patience for babies. The Irish Setter man is financially responsible but will choose a career that will provide a healthy outlet for all his vim and vigor. He might be a fireman, restaurant and pub owner, policeman, athlete, military man, construction worker, performer, politician, or physician. With the Irish Setter man, you have not only found a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, but also a heart of gold. When asked what dog encapsulates the characteristics of his ideal women; Extra Host Mario Lopez said, “The Irish Setter. They are sleek with shiny red hair. I have a thing for redheads!” ˆ Naughty Dog When this breed is naughty – he’s very naughty! Mr. Irish Setter can party all night with his buddies and not think twice about the time, or you! So don’t expect him to call you exactly when the clock strikes twelve. He gets a kick out of running with the wolves! New Trick Subtly explain to Mr. Irish Setter that if he wants to have those namesake pups he’s already bragging about, he’s going to have to settle down a bit. Help him realize that the four-leafed clover he’s searching for can be found in your garden, not the pub!
Click here to purchase How To Understand Men Through Their Dogs!
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