Call Your Doctor! Warning Signs Your Obsessed with Your Dog!


Obviously your dog is the perfect pooch! We all love our pets very much, and their need for us can sometimes outshine our other relationships. Here are 11 signs you clearly love your pets as much as you love (if not more) any human on earth!

1. You talk to your pet like he/she is human.


Conversation with dog

Dr. Stanley Coren, an expert in dog intelligence, says that the average dog can only learn 165 words, but you know that your dog is different. Sure, some dogs are a little on the simple side, but not your best friend. Your dog cares and just gets it. Is the guy at the desk next to yours constantly chewing loudly with his mouth open? Your dog is listening. Your mother called to set you up with that nice man at her church? Your puppy’s barking out of sympathy. You’re excited about a night out? Poochy is as excited as you. You know it’s true, man’s best friend is your best friend for a reason, there’s no better conversationalist.


2. Your dog goes on vacation with you.

Dog on Vacation

Leaving your dog with a pet sitter who doesn’t understand exactly how (s)he likes to be put to bed? Never! You know that there’s no one better to travel with than your best friend. Your knowledge of pet-friendly hotels and restaurants around the world is encyclopedic and it doesn’t matter how amazing a spa seems if your pup can’t be included. Your bucket list probably is 50% dog parks, but there’s nothing wrong with that. Who could be happy with the thought of your dog, who loves to run around, vacationing in a kennel.


3. Your friends are sick of hearing about how adorable they are.

Cutest Puppy

How could you not tell everyone about the time you went to the park and your puppy got so excited about the squirrels that (s)he literally ran in circles around you and a stranger, until you had the leash wrapped around you like in 101 Dalmatians? And the time you looked away for one second and somehow (s)he had already eaten all the food in the bowl? And when (s)he accidentally got a bow from a present stuck on her/his head and looked so cute? And when…? Okay, so maybe you tell too many stories, but It’s not your fault there’s nothing fuzzier, cuter, or smarter than your dog!


4. Your throw birthday parties for your dog and his furry friends.

Dog Birthday Party

Your dog is alway cute, but nothing makes it even cuter than a little party hat! You’re already an amazing event planner, so you might as well put those skills to good use. There’s really nothing better than inviting all your pet parent friends over and celebrating another year with your best buddy. You get cake, your dog gets treats and toys, no one loses!


5. No other dog will EVER be as cute as your dog.

Precious Golden Retriever Pup

You’ve looked around and you do not like what you see. Sure, your friends have some nice dogs. Sure, there are some cute dogs out there (puppies will never stop being adorable), but honestly, you don’t see the appeal. None of them will ever compete with your dog. Your dog has that one look (you know the one) that makes you melt every time. Even when (s)he is clearly in need of some grooming or is covered in mud, your dog has a leg up on every other dog ever and you know it.


6. You constantly post pictures of your dog online. Or better yet, your pet has his own Facebook page.

Dog with Facebook

Your pictures have stopped getting likes but until anti-likes are invented you aren’t going to stop. Actually, even anti-likes wouldn’t stop you. Your dog is a huge part of your life. If your friends from high school are clogging your timeline with pictures of food, there’s nothing wrong with you brightening their day with an adorable picture! Most people post lots of pictures of their best friends, yours is just four-legged (and so much cuter).


7. Your significant other is jealous of him/her.

Significant other jealous of dog


“I just feel like a third wheel,” is a complaint you know all too well. Pet/parent time is very important and you don’t understand anyone who doesn’t get it. Cuddling on the couch is your dog’s favorite activity too, so why is your SO so surprised that your dog jumps up to join? Sure, your ideal date is a long walk with your SO and your dog, but what’s so wrong with that? Doesn’t it prove you’re a loyal person? Some people just don’t understand.

8. They sleep in bed with you.

Dog and child sleeping

You’ve seen the dog beds at the store and you think they’re disgraceful. Your dog deserves the best of everything. Your dog wants to be on your bed and you cannot imagine anyone you would rather share it with. The extra warmth is welcome in winter and during the summer, swimming in sweat, you still wouldn’t imagine kicking your dog off your bed. (S)he deserves comfort as much as you do!


9. Your dog’s wardrobe could rival your own.

Dog Wardrobe

You like to think you have some style, but you have nothing on your dog. Everyone knows that the way to your heart is through your dog and your dog’s outfits reflect it. Every birthday and holiday, its wardrobe expands: hats for summer, rain boots for winter, a nice tie or bow for special events. Your dog is the best dressed dog on the block, if not the whole town!

Bonus points if you have matching outfits.

10. You shower your dog with compliments and nicknames.

Woman petting dog

Everyone uses baby talk with their pets, but you take it to a whole new level. You say pretty, handsome, baby, and princess more often than you say your dogs name and sometimes guests wonder what you’re talking about, but you know that your dog knows and appreciates your affection. (S)he may be the smartest and most beautiful dog in the whole wide world but that doesn’t mean (s)he doesn’t need to be reminded every once in a while (or every 5 seconds).


11. You talk your problems out with your pooch

Woman talking to dog

Who needs friends (or therapy) to sort things out when you always have a sympathetic ear? The fact that your dog never says a word doesn’t mean that (s)he doesn’t give the best advice! Sometimes you just need to talk out your problems until the best solution comes to you and your dog is there to help!

Obsessed or not, you know that there’s no friend like a dog!

If you’re looking for this type of best friend, click here to find a no kill shelter near you!

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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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