Plecostomus, Carachama

From RainForest Expeditions

Plecostomus, Carachama
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Scientific Name: Hypostomus sp.


  1. The comb-toothed inferior mouth of the Hypostomus is able to grasp green algae on the river bottom with the help of the suckermouth, which anchor the fishes, in conjunction with the arched design of pectoral and pelvic fin spines.
  2. Exhibit plates of armor over their body.

Habitat: Prefers lakes and flooded forest.


  • APA:Tambopata river , lake 3 chimbadas
  • ARA: Tambopata river, lakes Condenado and Sachavacayoc, creek el gato
  • TRC:Tambopata river, fishpond

Most common in Madre de Dios river basin. One of the biggest carachamas. Their large, concave caudal fin is associated with fast locomotion over short distances. The colouration among Hypostomus species varies.

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