Yippee! Barking Astro News: Mercury goes direct today!
Woof – meow!
Mercury Retrograde – May 19 – June 11, 2015
Mercury, the messenger (and treat trickster) will go direct today, on June 11,2015! Your life with your pet will get back to more of a barking and meowing sense of normalcy!
Whether you believe in astrology or not, the term Mercury retrograde has become a global mainstream point of reference. Quite frankly, it can be a frustrating time when all types of communication slow down, defunct, and lose momentum. Historically for centuries – presidents, royalty, scientists and captains of industry recognized astrology and took note when Mercury went retrograde.
One of the smartest scientists to walk our planet, Albert Einstein appreciated astrology and said:
“Astrology is a science in itself, and contains an illuminating body of knowledge.
It has taught me many things, and I am greatly in debt to it.”
The next Mercury retrograde period will be from September 17th – October 9th 2015! Now is the time to launch all your new concepts and projects. A few days prior to a retrograde period; backup computers and check all travel reservations. When the retrograde is on give yourself more time to get to the airport, expect delays in phone, snail mail and email messages, try not to sign on the dotted line with any new binding contracts or business launches (if you have to – read the fine print and opt for a renegotiation clause). Don’t breakup with your sweetheart while in this phase either – you might regret it after!
So, what does this mean for you and your pet? Animals pick up on the energy in their environments, absorb and react to nuances in situations. If you’re buying pet food at the grocery store and the computerized register crashes while checking out (definitely a Mercury retro thing), you can expect your animal’s feeding schedule to be off. Your pet will naturally be picking up on the retrograde, with or without any influences from you.
The beauty of knowing when Mercury is retrograde, is also knowing that it won’t last forever! This astro transit happens 3-4 times a year. Just remember to remain as patient as possible, be Zen and even then count to ten … your pets will love you for it.
For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitter, and right here at AnimalFair.com!