Do You Want A Tick-Free Summer? Check Out Tick-SR Tick Removal For Your Dog!

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Tick’s are here – May through September! This is when dogs take to sniffing the fresh air and following their highly evolved snouts to unexplored territories for marking. Many of these dense wooded, back yard, urban park, or open field doggie destinations carry an unwanted predator; the dreaded tick.

All types and sizes of ticks including Deer ticks, Brown dog ticks, Lone Star ticks, and American dog ticks can be found lurking, just waiting to latch on to your unassuming and wandering pet. Dogs can contract ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease, anaplasmosis and others illnesses from a diseased tick.


Got a tick – remove it quick with Tick-SR®! The founder of Tick-SR®, pharmaceutical scientist Dr. Carl Schaffner of the Waksman Institute, frequently found pesky ticks on his own dog.  He was motivated to stop the invasion and experimented for many years in his laboratory until he discovered this easy and safe patented tick removal solution; Tick-SR, SR = Safe Release.

Why Tick-SR?

1.  Don’t Get Ticked – Just Wipe!

It is safe, easy and convenient.  If you find a tick on your dog, all you do is take out a wipe of Tick-SR, apply it to the tick and the tick will release from your dog.


2.  Stop The Feeding

Tick-SR works by dissolving the glue that ticks use to attach to their host. It also pushes the blood supply away from the tick’s feeding tube so the tick cannot feed and therefore backs out of the dog – thinking its furry meal is over.


3.  Doggie Doesn’t Mind

With Tick-SR, you don’t need to pull off ticks with tweezers. The ticks come off easily and you never have to touch the disease carrying tick.  Even if your dog is moving around, Tick-SR is easy to use.  It does not hurt or irritate the dog at all!


4.  Easy And Quick To Use

Tick-SR removal is convenient, quick and easy to use! It comes in individually wrapped wipes so you are always prepared.  Throw one in your car, backpack or purse.  You don’t have to wait to get home to remove the tick!


5.  Non-Toxic For You And Your Pet

Tick-SR is non-toxic.  It will not hurt you or your dog. Use it as often as needed!


georgie running through bluebells


One pet parent believer of Tick-SR shared her story.  Christine was applying Tick-SR to her Porty, a Portuguese water dog puppy with a tick lodged in the top of his head. Porty wouldn’t sit still.  Within a few seconds of applying Tick-SR to the tick, Porty leaped up and started dashing around! Christine finally got him to calm down and went to reapply Tick-SR. She couldn’t find the tick anywhere. She looked all over Porty, then she looked on the ground, and there was the tick lying on its back! Porty was instantly a happy and tick free pup again!


For more information on Tick-SR visit:


tick sr + logo



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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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