Wendy’s Docucomedy In Search of Puppy Love is almost complete!


In Search of Puppy Love Docucomedy
Giving hope to singles in America


A Docucomedy by Wendy Diamond with a little help from her rescued Maltese, Lucky, In Search of Puppy Love – Giving Hope to the 104 Million Singles in America This is a must see for anyone looking to fall in love or back in love! It’s the story of one woman’s heartfelt search to discover whether the same unconditional love, loyalty and soulful bond people experience with their dogs can be paralleled in a human relationship. Inspired by her own Maltese, Lucky, Wendy Diamond goes in search of an answer to this question while simultaneously bringing hope to the 104 million singles in America looking for the right breed of man or woman! Wendy Diamond, the Chief Pet Office and Editorial Director of Animal Fair  (www.AnimalFair.com) has found puppy love for years with her dog, but is now is hoping to find the same with Mr. Right-not Mr. Right now. She embarks on a 15-city nationwide Yappy Hour (singles parties for people and dogs) Rescue Tour to raise money for local animal rescue groups while at the same time desiring a serendipitous meeting leading to her own true puppy love in the process. Peppered with zany encounters, handsome hunks, horny hounds and always with Wendy’s unwavering optimism, In Search of Puppy Love documents Wendy’s earnest quest, bringing hope and advice to the 104 million singles in the USA still searching for true love, while at the same time raising hundreds of thousands for local pet charities across the country. With cameos from celebrities like the Betty White, Paula Abdul and Warren Beatty, to Druid priests, warlocks, and tantric sex experts, this hilarious and heartfelt documentary will give modern singles the advice they need to recognize puppy love when it licks them in the face. Wendy Diamond knows it’s “ruff” out there – In Search of Puppy Love will  bring you hope. And, at the very least, it will make you howl with laughter! For more information www.puppylovemovie.com




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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