Tips on Scoring a Pet-Friendly Apartment


Follow these realtor-approved tips for finding pet friendly housing
Follow these realtor-approved tips for finding pet friendly housing

Finding a dog-friendly apartment in Manhattan is frustrating – but it’s funny.

When broker David Calderazzo found an apartment that accepted one dog for a client with two dogs, the dogs made such a doggone good first impression that the landlord allowed both.  But, as client and landlord were inspecting the apartment kitchen the pooches inconspicuously decided to lift their legs and… oh no! Fortunately, the landlord only charged three months extra security!

Then there was the irate landlord who, screaming at David, would accept any dog, but not the diplomat owners.

Despite any mishaps, David’s stories are success stories.  For thirteen years he has been finding apartments for dogs and even diplomats. With a 1% chance of independently finding a place that allows dogs, David recommends going through a broker like himself, who is experienced in finding animal-friendly apartments. Inexperienced brokers may forget about your canine counterpart and find a dog-unfriendly building.

To make a good first impression, David advises, neither dog nor owner should jump on anyone or anything.  With co-op boards, owner should be particularly boring and dog practically sedate.

Then, when you land that perfect pooch palace through David, fluffy can expect a doggy-basket of housewarming surprises.

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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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