In the 2002 romantic comedy, Maid in Manhattan, a single mom and hotel staffer played by Jennifer Lopez finds true love in a dog-loving politician, played by Ralph Fiennes. And what brings these two together? A 90-pound Weimaraner named Rufus. That’s just on screen though. Off screen, Rufus, who acts under his actual name, would contend […]
Sometimes a dog is just a dog! Artist Eric Fischl explains.
Noted New York City sculptor and painter, Eric Fischl, clad in jeans and a T-shirt, sits in the center of his SoHo studio, smoking a cigar. It is a spacious room filled with hunched-over sculptures, framed paintings and a broad, mounted canvas offering a voyeur’s-eye-view of a couple having sex. Smoke floats up and dissipates. […]