There are many benefits to having animal companions, not the least of which is stress reduction. So given the magical healing powers of pets, is it ever possible that a person needs to kiss Fluffy good-bye and get off on her own for a few days? In most cases, “a well-trained, well-socialized [animal] is […]
How to Be The Greatest Dog Parent!
Dogs are a big responsibility. They need attention, exercise, a nutritious diet, a safe home and lots of love. The age, breed, past experiences, and personality of pups makes each one special and unique. Dogs are a lot like children in this way, and most dog lovers love their fur babies just as much as […]
Pet Diabetes: Things You Need to Know to Keep Your Pet Healthy!
Pet Diabetes Many people are surprised when they learn a pet is diagnosed with the animal form of a disease that affects people too. When you tell people that your cat has hyperthyroidism or diabetes, most people are astonished. The reason is that these persons had never given it a thought before, because they don’t […]
Simple Spring Cleaning Tips To Groom Your Pet!
Want your pet to look as good as Baby Hope? Well you’re in luck! Pet perfect grooming can be accomplished in a few easy steps regardless of your level of experience! In New York City, some salons are charging over a hundred dollars to groom your dog! With prices so astronomically high, Lucky insisted that […]
Rodent Rules for Summer: Small Pet Precautions for Your Furball Friends
Living in a New York apartment, in a private house, usually comes with some strict regulations from neat freak landlords, which isn’t a good thing for an animal loving family like mine. Having moved around a lot as a youngster, I often heard, a landlord’s favorite line, “No dogs allowed!” But we needed something to […]
Daniel Dislikes the Shag Carpet
Dear Lucky, My humans threw away my favorite textile rug, and in its place is ugly, wall-to-wall, red shag carpet! I don’t know how to broach the subject to them, but it really is the most hideous thing I’ve ever seen. How can I tell them it’s ugly without hurting their feelings? – Daniel III, […]