Tag: celebrity dog trainer

Steve Allen is the Greatest American Dog Trainer!

In September, underdog Presley was named Greatest American Dog on CBS’s hit summer reality show of the same name. He and his owner, Travis Brorsen, bested 11 other dogs in the competition to win the title and the $250,000 prize. But Presley had another helper in his path to the

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The Obamas Get Jazzy With New First Dog Name, Bo!

Introducing to the world stage, Bo Obama, the new Portuguese Water Dog and First Dog of the United States. As an advocate for breed rescue since 1999, not dating Lucky Diamond (a purebred Maltese that likes to keep her age an urban myth) or anything else for that matter.  But

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The Art of Training

Dogs and their owners share a special bond not easily broken, and have a mutual respect for one another not only as pet-owner, but also as best friends.  With all of their talents it is easy to understand why dogs are called man’s best friend, but have you ever wondered

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