Tag: Andy Warhol

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Wendy Diamond

Pop Arf: Modern Dog Art by Nathan Janes

Pop ARF is a creative way to describe the dog artwork of Nathan Janes.  In fact, it is the title Janes has given to both his collection of paintings and to his website.  Janes began his art career after graduating from the Columbus College of Art and Design in Ohio.

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Pedigree Pooches Hit NYC To Strut Their Stuff!

Once a year the pace of the city changes. There is an animal energy that’s easy to sniff out and flows through the city streets the smell of hot dogs . Now I’m not talking about those pesky and sometimes terrifying city rats, or even the dumpster-diving coons, of course

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Wendy Diamond

Jackie Rogers’s Elements of Style

American fashion designer Jackie Rogers has lived a most fabulous life – and continues to do so as the head honcho of her eponymous luxury apparel line, headquartered in New York City. With her always-chic, show-dog-bred Daschund Miss Lily by her side, Rogers has become one of the most prolific,

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The Mystery Behind Paige Powell: Finding Her Sherlock

    Paige Powell crosses Portland’s Hawthorne Boulevard in pink clam diggers, a tiny tee and a pink jacket.  Guiding Powell on a flowered leash is Sherlock.  Sherlock, a sixty-four pound shepherd/coonhound mix has a black coat as slick as a seal.  Beneath sparkling black eyes Sherlock’s face is long

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Andy Mouse
Wendy Diamond

The Art of Simple Pleasures with Keith Haring

There was a time when art wasn’t hidden away in museums. During Europe’s Middle Ages, for example, many of the pieces we now see kept behind glass sheets and velvet ropes were simply part of daily life– their beauty and their functionality inexorably interwoven. Goblets and spoons, for instance, were

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