Tag: africa

A Flower Grows in Africa

The African Rainforest Conservancy teaches Tanzanian locals the importance of conservation by Robyn Cohen For mob boss Tony Soprano, an interest in all things green would likely refer to proceeds from his illegal ventures, but for James Gandolfini, this interest lies in the lush African Rainforest. Gandolfini had the honor

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Wendy Diamond

Please Support The Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda!

The Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund was founded by Dr. Dian Fossey in 1978 to help Gorilla’s through daily protection, anti-poaching, research, education, and helping communities. Dian Fossey studied gorillas in the wilds of Rwanda up until her death in 1985. Thanks to her tireless efforts and countless hours of study,

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African Heritage, Kenya, Africa

African Heritage – In an age when poorly made “airport art” dominates the tourist industry, African Heritage devotes itself to keeping quality traditional artwork alive. The locally made jewelry, sculptures, and other craft goods are expensive but worth the high prices they command. Shoppers who stop at the store’s cafй

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To Walk With Lions

To Walk With Lions is a moving sequel to the 1966 Oscar winner, Born Free, the story of George and Joy Adamson and their lioness, Elsa. In To Walk With Lions, we glimpse the final years of George Adamson’s (Academy Award nominee, Richard Harris) life at the Kora Reserve in

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In Defense Of Animals – Africa

  In Cameroon, Central Africa it is illegal to kill, capture, sell, buy and eat chimpanzees and gorillas, but the rapid rise in bushmeat trade (the illegal killing of wildlife for profit by poachers) is endangering chimpanzees and gorillas living free in the forest. Since these species of great apes

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Wendy Diamond

Peter Beard: The Eye of Africa

From the pages of Vogue to the vast expanses of Africa, artist, photographer and writer, Peter Beard introduces us to a world of both unparalleled beauty and brutal truth. As a young man,Beard’s initial interest in the Dark Continent led him to a meeting with “Out of Africa”author Karen Blixen (alias, Isak Dinesen). This meeting aroused

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