Start The New Year Off Right: Celebrate ‘Change A Pet’s Life’ Day on January 24th!

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Adopt a rescue dog



When bringing a new pet home, many people try to avoid adopting a shelter pet. This issue has been on a decline as more and more celebrities and big brand companies endorse adoption versus looking for the perfect purebred, but animal shelters and humane societies are still full of adorable animals waiting for their forever home. To draw attention to this issue and all the homeless pets available, Hill’s Pet Nutrition organized the first ever ‘Change a Pet’s Life’ Day in 2009; an event that has continued to be celebrated on every January 24th since!


‘Change a Pet’s Life Day’ is fantastic news for those who want to bring home a new best friend! Why? Because there’s a chance you won’t have to pay for your new buddy. You heard me.


You won’t have to pay.



Say whaaat?
Say whaaat?



I mean, of course, you’ll have to pay to sustain your new pet over time. But on this day, Hill’s will pay for the adoption fees for the first ten pets from each participating shelter. And you’d have a pretty good chance of being in that top ten, since around 3,000 shelters are participating all around the US. To make the deal even better, Hill’s will also donate pet food and an informational DVD to all the adopters. So, are you running out to your local animal shelter yet?


If adopting still isn’t you’re thing, don’t worry, here are some other ways to celebrate ‘Change a Pet’s Life’ Day!





You can probably give a pup more than a meatball, but hey, if you can't...
You can probably give a pup more than a meatball, but hey, if you can’t…



Many animal shelters are just barely getting by, and believe it or not, that five dollars you were going to spend on those extra fries will make a difference. You can also buy pet goods (food, treats, bowls, beds, toys, etc.) yourself and bring them to the shelter if you don’t feel comfortable just giving money.





I volunteer as tribute!
I volunteer as tribute!



No money to spare? Donating your time to an animal shelter is extremely valuable as well, and often overlooked and undervalued. These places can be hectic with so many animals to take care all the time; an extra pair of hands is always something to be grateful for. Whether it’s cleaning the puppies or cleaning the cages, you’ll end up leaving feeling accomplished and covered in doggie kisses, having just done an extremely good deed.


As you can see, there are a lot of animals out there that you can help in a variety of ways, and no one way is less valuable than another. Even the smallest effort makes a difference when it comes to these loving creatures, and the time for us to step up and change their lives is now. It’s a new year. Time to make a change.


Baby Hope has changed Animal Fair and Wendy Diamond’s life – ready why by clicking here!

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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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