@RobertSwan2041 Protects Antarctica Penguins With Renewable Energy

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Robert Swan


The United Nations headquarters in New York City honored Robert Swan, the polar explorer extraordinaire, by awarding him the Humanitarian Innovation Award. Swan founded the organization ‘2041’ Foundation with his primary goal being to preserve Antarctica as a land dedicated to research, science, preserving all forms and species of wildlife. and protected peace. The Antarctic Treaty currently prohibits oil and natural gas exploration in the Antarctic. When the re-negotiations for the treaty begin, Swan will be on a mission to ensure that we continue to protect Antarctica … it is home to more than 10,000 unique species including whales, seals, wandering albatross and penguins!



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Human activities globally often negatively affect this isolated continent’s environment. Changes in sea-ice cover can adversely impact the breeding and feeding habits of penguins and warming waters. This mainly happens due to faster melting of Antarctic ice shelves leading to rising sea levels, disrupting the penguins natural habitat.

As a global community we must protect the endangered Antarctic wildlife, we need to ensure that their marine and terrestrial habitat are strictly protected. Swan and his team for over seven years have cleaned up and recycled waste metal left behind at the Antarctic stations on King George Island. A wilderness area that has been uninhabitable for Antarctic penguins was finally restored … the penguins celebrated, embraced and went ashore!


Swan believes that using renewable energy in our daily lives will prevent corporations from invading Antarctica in search of fossil fuels. This will preserve the habitat and the ecosystem on which these magnificent penguins thrive.



Adopting renewable energy will also reduce the effect of global warming on Antarctica. With his vision, over the last 30 years, Swan has been inspiring individuals and corporations to take positive action towards environmental preservation.

Swan commented, “No-one is inspired by negative – the challenge in the world isn’t a lack of information- it’s a lack of inspiration.”

Through Education bases (E-Bases) around the world that run on renewable energy, Swan has demonstrated that as a solution, renewable energy has the potential to protect the Antarctica. In December 2016, Swan and his team will lead a ‘South Pole Energy Challenge’ to complete a march across the Antarctic using only renewable energy.




Let’s rally behind Robert Swan and help save the Antarctica wildlife by supporting him and the 2041 Foundation! Please post, share, and tell your family and friends – bark about it!



Are you ready for a trip of a lifetime?  Check out the 2041 Foundation and Robert Swan  and join in the preservation of Antarctica, the last great wilderness on Earth!

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