Ohhhhhmmm-meow! Yoga for Cats

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Inhale... Exhale!
Inhale… Exhale!



With its warm weather and revealing fashions, summertime always prompts the health-conscious side of us to get in shape and cats are no exception. So if you see Fluffy stretching all four paws with the intensity of a drill sergeant, or twisting her body into a pretzel-like pose, then she must be reading Yoga for Cats by Christiénne Wadsworth. Broken down into easy-to-follow illustrations by Lynn Chang-Franklin, Yoga for Cats details several different poses that will promote greater physical, mental and spiritual health in your favorite feline. After all, cats need to stay in shape too! Who says the recent yoga craze applies only to humans? With their natural dexterity and razor sharp concentration, cats are purr-fectly suited for the discipline of a regular yoga regimen. Your cat is sure to enjoy the gentle stretch of the “The Fish Hook” pose, followed by the calming focus of “The Teapot” and the powerful release of “The Warrior.” Also included are tips on proper warm-ups, how to find your feline chakras and the negative effects of catnip on yoga practice.


To see if your cat is ready to get serious about a healthy lifestyle, have her try the following poses:


The Sphynx (or “egyptudra” pose)

Step 1

Start in a standing position and lower yourself gently to the ground.












What do you mean this isn't right?
What do you mean this isn’t right?



Step 2

Stretch paws in front of yourself while straightening tail so that it aligns with your spine. Hold position.




This one's easy!
This one’s easy!



Pain au Chocolat (or “withmycoffeeda” pose)






Step 1

Start in a standing position.




Lightly fall to one side, maintaining head in an upright position.




Arch back slightly and curl tail around front to form the classic pain au chocolat shape.






Lower head to floor.  This version is often called The Croissant.





Is this how?
Is this how?


The Warrior (or “freakedoutunda” pose)



Step 1


Start in a sitting position










Step 2

Balance on your root chakra while raising front paws.







Step 3

Fluff tail while curving paws and spreading toes.










Step 4

Open mouth as wide as you can and emit a piercing scream.







Well that was PAWS-itively relaxing!!!


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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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