Why You Must Watch the Westminster Kennel Club Show With Your Pup!

westminster dogs

This TV event is one for the dogs! Every year since 1877, the Westminster Kennel Club has held a dog show in Manhattan, New York City. The second longest-running annual sporting event, the dog show continues to be a highly-anticipated tradition for puppy lovers everywhere. It’s the perfect opportunity to plop on your couch with your pooch, and here’s why!



Even the fanciest show dogs just need a little loving
Even the fanciest show dogs just need a little loving



Let your buddy know they’re Best-in-Show!

The dogs that enter the competition are always purebred, but that doesn’t make them any better or more beautiful than our magnificently majestic mutts! Watch the pretty hounds and poodles do their thing on TV while you and your pup of any shape and size bond with some quality one-on-one time.



Mutts are beautiful, too! Look at this fella - all different kinds of cute!
Mutts are beautiful, too! Look at this fella – all different kinds of cute!



They would jump through hoops for you

You are your pup’s priority all the time, even when you have other things on your mind! Take this time to do something for them, whether they need a good brushing, belly rub, or maybe even cuddles from their human best friend. While you’re spending time together, be sure to check when the Westminster agility trials are on!




Raise the bar... then jump over it!
Raise the bar… then jump over it!



No more nagging, just tail-wagging

Watching an event with people can be pretty frustrating at times. We all have that friend that can’t seem to stop talking, or getting up to get food, or use the restroom… You’re the boss! Your pets would do anything on earth to please you, so snuggle up and get ready for a very relaxing, whiney human-free day.




I'm always best in show to my pet parent!
I’m always best in show to my pet parent!




Every dog has his day

Chances are that as a pet parent, you’ve watched TV with your four-legged companion before. More likely than not, the subject of the TV show was a human of some sort. You know how excited your pups get at the dog park or when they see another pooch out the window, so imagine how much more fun it will be to them to see hundreds of handsome hounds prancing around on the big screen! Some dogs have a tendency to recognize their kind in images or on the television, so a dog show is bound to make them feel in on the magic-telly-box scene, too!



Oh my dog... did you SEE that poodle? Bow-wowwww!
Did you SEE that poodle? I think… I’m in love.



Show some affection… and strengthen your connection!

Studies have shown over and over again that a little puppy loving is good for everyone involved! Petting your pooch releases a hormone called oxytocin, which is known for making one feel joy and easing stress and depression. Both you and your pup will gain a sense of trust and safety, which is necessary in all good friendships. Spread that puppy lovin!



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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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