World Pup Soccer! Meet Purin The Soccer Playing Beagle! #FIFAWWCFinal

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GO PURIN GO! As the FIFA World Cup continues we want to shine a spotlight on this skilled pup! The 8-year old Beagle is THE soccer dog and isn’t afraid to prove it to anyone! Residing in Japan, this pooch has gained popularity quick from being a YouTube sensation.


Purin, which means pudding in English, wasn’t always into soccer. “She wasn’t interested in even being around people, but after her 2nd birthday she started to play with her owner,” her Face book information tells us. She has had some intense training throughout the years, and it’s all paid off. This pup can catch the ball with her paws; balance on her front legs and even score a goal all on her own!




Her bio states that since July 2011 Purin can perform over 70 tricks – giving her title of “Purin The Super Beagle!” Her owner has been posting videos of these soccer skills and tricks over a course of 6 years for all viewers to see. People are just astonished about how good this pup is at playing soccer!


However, Purin doesn’t just play soccer. She enjoys skateboarding, jumping rope and balancing on a ball! (You can see these tricks on her YouTube account as well) She has also won a few awards, which include a 1st place trophy in Dog Food Speed Eating and 2ND place trophy in Trick Dog Trial, which took place in Kanto, Japan. What a SUPER beagle she is!




She’s an Internet sensation! Over 10,000 people have subscribed to her YouTube account and she has even hit over one million views on her videos! Being an 8-year old beagle she proves that you can ALWAYS teach an old dog new tricks! She continues to learn new skills and tricks everyday to share with the world. Maybe the FIFA World Cup should consider adding a pooch to the competition!


Check out this adorable video of Purin The Super Beagle performing some of her soccer tricks! To see more of Purin visit her YouTube page! Also, don’t miss the USA’s first FIFA game today against Ghana- catch it at 6pm!


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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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