The Keystone Golden Retriever Rescue Inc., is a nonprofit organization in Pennsylvania dedicated to the rescue and care of unwanted, homeless Golden Retrievers. Additionally they work to defend dogs against the inhumane and cruel treatment suffered in Pennsylvania puppy mills. “We have worked relentlessly, and are determined to see an end to the suffering of dogs imprisoned in these mills,” said Chris Kougher, of Keystone Golden Retriever Rescue Inc.
Case in point is Libby, her name is short for liberty, just one Golden retriever rescued by this organization. Libby spent nine years living in puppy mills, where she suf-fered. It is truly a miracle that she managed to survive after living in horrendous conditions in not just one, but two puppy mills. “When first rescued, she was infested with worms, underweight and malnourished. She was put into a foster home with other dogs, and was given anti-depressants, but she didn’t show much progress for the first three months,” Chris Kougher reflects. “After about ten days, a puppy that I was fostering came bouncing down the steps. When Libby spotted this puppy, her eyes lit up and her tail started to wag. It was like a light switch turned on. From that day on, Libby has made slow, but steady progress. I firmly believe she needed that quiet time in her first foster home to start to heal. Time to strengthen her body until her mind was ready to accept human love and companionship.”
“One day she looked at me with trust and love in her eyes. And I knew that Libby and I had formed a bond. She was here to stay,” said Kougher.
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