10 Tips To Find A Responsible Breeder

banana joe best in show winner 2013


banana joe best in show winner 2013

If you’re thinking about finding your own “Best in Show” canine contender, it’s important to work with a responsible breeder. Most dog owners lie in one of three categories. They must have a purebred dog, they accept no other than a mix-breed, or they simply don’t care either way. Once you have a preference, you generally stick with it.

As a potential dog parent, if you are looking to purchase or adopt a pure-bred dog, here are 10 tips to find a responsible breeder:

1. Do your doggie due diligence, research, and visit the people who are considered by many to be the foremost authorities on dogs and breeding.

2. Each breed’s National Club should have a listing for well-respected, responsible breeders. That person should be able to help you find a breeder in your area; good referrals are always a welcomed treat.

3. Ask Away! A responsible breeder will never make you feel uncomfortable about asking questions. He should also never make you feel like you are being interrogated. If a breeder makes you feel this way, then you have not found the right breeder for you.

4. While a good breeder should not interrogate you, she should definitely care about the home that her puppy is going to be living in. That means she should ask questions about your home, the makeup of your family and other pets, etc. If your breeder doesn’t seek to place her dog in the best environment, she isn’t being very responsible.

5. Research, research, research! Don’t use the first breeder that you find advertising in the want ads. Also, don’t get scammed into purchasing a puppy from a puppy mill. You must do you research and collect as much information as you can about the breeder and his or her practices.

Can you say, “Best in show”?

6. A breeder who cannot clearly and fully demonstrate thorough knowledge of the lineage of their dog and its mate is not the breeder you want to use. Genetics in dogs, as in humans, is complicated and a responsible breeder should know his dogs inside and out. Literally.

7. Have you ever been to a dog show? They are a fun way to spend an afternoon and a great place to find good breeders. Try one! You’ll not only get to see the breeder’s dogs on show but you may also get the opportunity to talk to the breeder right there and then.

8. If you can’t visit a dog show, still try to find a breeder who enters his dogs in dog shows. Show breeders know what they’re doing, and one of their primary concerns is improving the breed.

9. A responsible breeder should willingly show you that where she keeps her dogs is clean and well-maintained not dirty and over-crowded. If you ask and are not allowed to see where the puppies are being cared for, walk away.

10.A breeder you are considering should have a good relationship with a veterinarian and have health records available and accessible. If you can’t see that he provides proper health care for his dogs, reconsider this breeder.

If you follow this top 10 guide, you should be bringing home your beautiful, purebred bundle of joy in no time! And remember, you don’t always have to buy a purebred dog, you can also adopt one.

Visit this purebred adoption resource: http://www.pedigreedpups.com/PurebredDogRescue.html.

For the Best the Pet Lifestyle, especially animal welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at AnimalFair.com!




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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