How the Wandering Wolf Became the Drifting Dog


Lucky and I were reading one of our favorite publications, The New Yorker, (They did name me the “Martha Stewart of the Milk and Bone Dish” after all) this morning an stumbled upon an article that really caught Lucky’s eye!

We all know that dogs evolved from wolves and there’s no question that the dog is humanity’s best friend (just look at me and Lucky if you really need proof!), but when you crunch the numbers it seems like the transformation from wild wolf to doting dog happened too quickly to be purely a product of the meandering process of evolution and too slowly and organically to have been entirely designed by the human mind.

This fabulous article tries to puzzle out just how the dog became so inextricably tied with the human condition and just what their place in the human sphere really is. Click on over to The New Yorker for your daily dose of doggie data!

