Happy World Toilet Day! 2.5 Billion People Do Not Have This Luxury!

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This is not a joke or laughing matter! World Toilet Day was created to pose exactly these kind of questions and to raise global awareness of the daily struggle for proper sanitation that a staggering 2.5 billion people face! Dogs are happy to go outside but people should not have to!



The Funniest Dog photo - Dogs in line for the toilet tree!
The Funniest Dog photo – Dogs in line for the toilet tree!


World Toilet Day is not just about toilet humor, or an attempt to make toilets sexy. World Toilet Day has a serious purpose: it aims to stimulate dialogue about sanitation and break the taboo that still surrounds this issue. In addition, it supports advocacy that highlights the profound impact of the sanitation crisis in a rigorous manner, and seeks to bring to the forefront the health and emotional consequences, as well as the economic impact of inadequate sanitation.

World Toilet Days′ vision is to grow as a collective campaign uniting on 19 November everybody who is passionate about toilets to ensure that access to proper sanitation, which has been declared a human right, becomes a reality for all.

There are so many ways to to get involved…..  start an online fundraiser, sign a virtual bathroom wall and watch a singing toilet video.

 Please support this very important issue – log into http://www.worldtoiletday.org/

For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at AnimalFair.com!

