Happy Birthday Dear Fido! – Pooch Party Tips from Lucky Diamond!

Birthday Party Attendees at the Ritz Canine


Birthday Party Attendees at the Ritz Canine: Kelly and Joi Thompson with Gisele and Cairo; Yolanda Lawrence and Topaz; Janice Combs and Zoe, Misty and Jazz; Wendy Diamond and Lucky; Kristine Caram and Menuda; Audrey Quock and Clarence; Wendy Quock and Pino; Vanessa Turman and Sebastian; Myrna Thompson.


“Happy Birthday Dear Fido! Happy Birthday to You!”

Who doesn’t love a great birthday party?  I’m so glad my mom and her friends are beginning to learn that we love a wild time just as much as they do. Boy did we whoop it up the other weekend!

My pals, Gisele and Cairo were celebrating their birthdays in style at the posh Ritz Canine in midtown Manhattan.

And their mom, Kelly Thompson, made sure that no detail or other extravagance was overlooked. With a table full of canine Champ-pagne and yogurt tipped cigars, we were singing Pass the Courvasier!  So many see-and-be-seens were there too, like my Yorkie friend Sebastian. He is a bit of a playboy, though, pursuing me and the rest of the pack the whole time.  I think I played it cool, I mean he’s cute and all, but he’s just too much of a flirt.

Then my other Yorkie pals Zoë, Misty and Jazz caught up with me, giving me the two-cheeked air sniff (from behind).  What a great surprise!  Their mom, Janice Combs (for whose attention they

compete with her son Puffy— I mean P. Diddy) made sure that the three made their rounds and were the talk of the town!  Donning plush candle topped cupcake hats, Sean John would have been proud of the pups’ personal style. I spent most of my time, though, with my best friend Menuda, woofing down the delicious bone-shaped birthday cake made by Louis Lanza from Josie’s Restaurant in NYC.  So much for our girlish figures.


If you want to spoil your dog like this, I totally encourage it! I can assure you that we love it!  You don’t always have to go to the Ritz (although it’s well worth it..), but you do have to be sure you have the right stuff to throw a puparazzi-worthy party.  Let me help make your dog’s party a tail wagging good time.  Here are some essentials…



Before the big event, don’t forget to buy

your pooch a card! Try Hunkydory paper

products, a company that offers a great selection of pet birthday cards, and other paper products.  You know your dog will love it. To find a retailer near you, go to www.hunkydorycards.com.


The coveted bone-birthday cake:

Order one for your beloved at www.smilingdog.net. Or visit the site to get some more party tips!



What better icebreaker for a bunch of dogs than bringing out the bacon-flavored bubbles? Bubble Buddy is a surefire way to seduce all of the wallflowers from the safety of their guardians or their comfortable corners.  Find one for your own pooch at www.happydogtoys.com.

Freshen Bowser’s breath: A birthday party is a social gathering where the dogs will get close.  Give your dog Chomp Inc’s Sniffers or Yap Yaps to ensure its breath is minty fresh!  www.chompinc.com.   And for your pooch’s coat, some Oh My Dog! Eau de Toilette Spray is in order—Always a hit with the ladies.  www.doggeneration.com.

Let the adorable pup of honor set himself apart from the fray with a birthday bandana from Teddy’s Dog Treats.  Also check out

Teddy’s heart shaped, fire hydrant shaped and our favorite, the ice cream cone shaped treats-but tell your dog he has to share!




If you are up for some cooking, a great resource is www.yummyfordogs.org, with all sorts of recipes like Hummus for Hounds, Bow Wow Brownies, Terrier Tea Cakes, and Pomeranian Potato Chips!  Then re-freshen Bowser’s breath with more Sniffers…



Try the doggie cigars by ‘Blondes with Beagle’.  These smokeless treats are yogurt tipped and rolled on the thighs of Cuban beagles! www.blondewithbeagle.com.

Does your pooch have Champ-Pagne taste? I bet he does! If the human guests are going to indulge, so should the dogs! This Spring water comes in a beautiful cobalt blue bottle, adding sophistication to any celebration. Find it amongst other great treats at   www.luxurydog.com

Finally, for the humans at the party, to make sure everyone is in the doggie spirit, what could be better than Chocolate of Companions dog biscuits?  Remember, because they are chocolate, they are for people only!  To order, call (617) 524-9778.


For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at AnimalFair.com!




Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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