Gahl Sasson: Spiritual Adviser For You and Your Pets



Animal Fair Welcomes: Gahl Sasson

Gahl Sasson is a spiritual lecturer who teaches psychology, astrology and Kabbalah. Gahl, a thirty five year old native Israeli, has lectured in the United States and across the world. Gahl tells stories, relating a vast array of compelling myths from traditions across the globe to explain the workings of the inner world. Gahl blends wisdom, myths and metaphors from cultures across history and the entire world into an innovative blueprint for personal transformation and material enrichment.  His book, “A Wish Can Change Your Life,” published by Simon & Schuster, is currently in stores. His CD, The Alchemy Of Sound, is available in selected stores across the country an on his web site:   He is also a long time animal owner and advocate.


Gahl will be writing his own column for Animal Fair.  Your questions about spirituality and your pet, how to handle problems with your pet, how to pick the right pet for you and animals in general can be answered by e-mailing him at,


Animal Fair – What is your view on the bond that  animal owners have with their pets?

A lot of people ask me if animals have souls .  According to most of the spiritual doctrines on this planet- yes, animals do indeed have souls.  Not only that, but humans can reincarnate into animals.  Not complete humans into a complete animal.  That’s almost like taking an ocean and trying to fit it inside a pool.  What happens is that human beings decide if they want to stay closer to their family-even though they die-they can reincarnate partially as an animal.  Then that animal’s connection to the people is completely different and people feel it.  This is called a transmigration, a very powerful connection that you have to your animal.  Usually the animal finds you – and you don’t find them.  You hear stories about dogs that suddenly come into a certain door in a certain part of a person’s life and just stay there – these are usually messengers.   These souls can decide to reincarnate into animals to take care of somebody else.  The only way they could do it is to be born into an animal.  So, most definitely, animals have souls.


Animal Fair -You’re an animal person yourself-you have two cats now and have had dogs as well.  What have you learned most from your animals about yourself?


What helps me the most about my animals is that they connect me much more to the present.  Animals force you to be in the here and now.  Even if you’re really down or really high-you have to take care of them.  In order to sustain their love-they have to live.  That’s all that animals demand; their survival.  What my cats also teach me is how to nurture, how to give.  If you don’t feed them, pet them, make sure they have water, take them to the vet-they cease to exist.


Animal Fair – The love you feel towards a pet and the pet feels to you is unique.

Pets are the symbol of love.  You need to give your pets that warmth-otherwise it just dies away from you.  Pets in general are some sort of reincarnation of love in our life.  What dogs teach us is how to be unconditional in love; they love you no matter what.  That’s an amazing characteristic that dogs have.  Cats are a bit trickier in that sense.  They teach you how to actively show your love because they’re not as giving as dogs.  The combination of having dogs and cats together is the ultimate of the two aspects of that love-that you have to give in order to receive from cats and you always get regardless of what you do with dogs.


Animal Fair – What is one of the most profound aspects about having a pet?

The most important thing about having a pet is how to sustain the love in your life.  Research has shown that people with cats and dogs get sicker less.  They heal their hearts-which is the organism of love-through having those creatures around them-through taking care of them.  Because that’s what dogs and cats make us do.  Especially to people who are a bit more lonely.  They force us to come out of ourselves, our own misery, our own situation and take care of something else. They always remind us that there is somebody besides us out there.


Animal Fair – What is the spiritual, mystic side that applies to an owner and their pet?

Through our pets we can learn a great deal about ourselves as well as how we function with relationships. The Sufis, who are the ancient poets of the desert, say, “Show me your friends and I will tell you who you are” and I say, “Show me your pets and I will tell you who you are…”


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