Editor’s Letter – A Cornucopia of Canine Delights Designed for Fall!

Wendy and Lucky


Autumn is one of my favorite times of the year. The cooler days and beautiful fall foliage always seems to put everyone in a great mood, especially Lucky.  Cooler weather also means spending more time inside–and that’s time for thinking about design.

In this issue, Animal Fair has a cornucopia of fabulous ideas for changing the look and feel of your home while making it more pet friendly (of course!).  Inside, we sneak a peek at the soon-to-open Ritz Canine, the only four-star hotel for pets, and we drop in on antiques expert Todd Merrill to learn how furry friends and fine furniture can peacefully coexist.  In a special advertising section, Tetra celebrates their 50th anniversary with some thoughts on the beauty of home aquariums.  Then, for all you cat lovers, Silicon Valley legend Sandy Lerner tells us how she incorporates a feline motif into every conceivable corner of her house, while vet Dan Christian scratches the surface of indoor kitty living.

And what would Animal Fair be without stars who care?  Covergirl and supermodel Angie Everhart tells tales of overcoming adversity with the help of her horses, cats and dogs, Lucy Liu shows up to promote pet health, and Broadway’s leading lights sing the praises of animal adoption.

Finally, our feature on Frank Gehry looks at the fish in the master architect’s designs. Ever since seeing the Gehry retrospective at the Guggenheim, Lucky has longed for Frank to design her new doghouse.  She liked Bilbao, but is thinking more along the lines of the Conde Nast cafeteria.  It must be the buffet!

So settle down into a plush couch or favorite armchair with your pet nearby and enjoy fall colors, cool weather, and the Animal Fair Design Issue!

Wendy Diamond

Founder and Editorial Director



For the Best that Pet Lifestyle and Animal Welfare has to offer follow Wendy Diamond on Facebook, Twitterand right here at AnimalFair.com!

