It’s Friday night and you’re getting ready for a fun night out. You’ve applied your nail polish, your lipstick, and the last sprites of hair spray, and now you’re ready to go and dance the night away. But did you ever think that the products that you just used could have been tested on animals? You think “How Could Anyone?” well that’s exactly what Executive creative director of Urban Decay cosmetics thinks too. Wende Zomnir says “we don’t test on animals, how could anyone?” has been their line since they started the company nine years ago.
Co-founder of Urban Decay cosmetics, Sandy Lerner, is an extreme animal activist so it wasn’t a question of whether or not Urban Decay was going to test their products on animals, they just weren’t. Urban Decay is a fun, edgy, hip beauty company with funky colors and creative names for their products such as acid rain and asphyxia. But that’s not all that they’re known for. Urban Decay is completely cruelty free. No animals were ever harmed in making any of their products and will never be. Even the brushes you use to apply the makeup are cruelty free. It took Urban Decay three years to find the right man made fiber that felt like natural hair and was soft enough to use. And if you walk in the offices of Urban Decay you’ll see they mean what they say.
Urban Decay has an animals allowed policy, and three dogs take them up on their offer daily. There is Marley, a black Labrador who could be called part owner of the company. Wende Zomnir has been bringing Marley to work since he was two years old. You can usually find Marley sleeping in Wende’s office or in the kitchen, waiting for food to fall on the floor. Then there is Captain, who is a small quite dog around females, but the minute a male steps in the office he turns into a barking machine. Last but not least, there is Bruno, and with a name like that he could be nothing else but an Italian greyhound, who usually only spends half his day at the office.
Urban Decay is completely for animals and that’s why they have taken their mission against animal cruelty one step further. Urban Decay is teaming up with the Humane Society of the United States to launch the “How Could Anyone?” campaign. In an effort to help raise money, Urban Decay has designed the “How Could Anyone?” bracelets and 100% of proceeds will be donated to help stop animal testing. Wende Zomnir says their inspiration came from the Lance Armstrong “Live Strong” bracelet. Urban Decay’s bracelets have a paw print on it with the saying “How Could Anyone?” so people will know what the bracelet stands for.
Wende Zomnir is very proud to say that their company isn’t involved in any sort of animal cruelty, and her advice to companies that are is a quote from Gandhi, “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” Zomnir says “animal testing is just not necessary.” As for consumers she warns people to be more aware of what they’re buying. Zomnir says “it benefits everyone; to know what they’re buying was produced humanely.” As for the “How Could Anyone?” bracelets she has no worries that they will sell. In the first two days they have already sold 1,000 bracelets. If you’re interested in the “How Could Anyone?” campaign, or want to sport one of these pro animal rights bracelets, visit their website at
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