Dear Lucky – Old House of Terrors!


Dear Lucky,


I’m a Bulldog named Ricky. Renovations have been going on for months in our house. There is sawdust everywhere, part of the roof is missing and the kitchen is barely functional. Everything has been moved around and my comfortable place on the couch now faces Lucy’s litter box. And there’s no telling what Fred and Ethel may do now that their tank is in the bathroom. How can we go on in this old house of horrors? Help!


-Uprooted in Upton



Dear Uprooted,


Sounds like you guys have a lot to handle. It’s a good idea to find new, comfortable areas in the house until the work is completed. Curl up with a favorite shoe in a more quiet corner and know that this is just temporary. Also try to encourage your owners to take you outside more frequently. It’s a very confusing time, but even Fred and Ethel will make it through. And after the kitchen cabinets are installed (they should arrive in eight to ten months) and everything is finished, you will all have a new and beautiful home to nap in!


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Wendy Diamond, Entrepreneur, Leading Pet Lifestyle expert, Best Selling Author, TV Personality and Endangered Animal and Rescue Advocate.

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